Library Policies

Library Lending Policy/Borrowers Agreement

The holder of a Fowler Public Library card may borrow circulating library materials and access the Library’s Internet workstations and most subscription databases. The Fowler Public Library issues a library card to an individual. The card may be used only by the person to whom it has been issued. The card or the patron card …

Library Service Policy

LIBRARY HOURS Fowler Public Library service hours will comply with the Linking Library Service Grant criteria, and will be reviewed annually by the Library Board.  The library will be open at such hours and days of the week as the Board may determine by resolution as necessary. The librarian will determine any closures due to …

Behavior Policy

The Fowler Public Library has an obligation to its patrons to maintain an atmosphere conducive to reading, study, research, and the pursuit of life-long learning opportunities.  Library patrons are expected to use the library, including its facilities, grounds, resources and materials, in a responsible, appropriate, and courteous manner. These rules are posted for the comfort …